Saturday, February 9, 2013


This reinterpretation of Macbeth was very easy to be understood by modern audiences. The directors stray away from tradition when portraying the witches. The way the directors reinterpreted it really brought out the emotions of the audience. 
There was more than one scene in Rupert Goold’s film adaptation of Macbeth that I found shocking and unsettling. They were Act III, scene 4, and Act IV, scene 2, and Act V, scene 7 In Act IV, scene 2 Banquo’s ghost appears at the banquet Macbeth is hosting. The reason why this scene was shocking is because the ghost actually had blood from when he was killed. The fact that the scene looks so realistic was also shocking. In Act 4, scene 2 assassins are shown about to kill Lady Macduff and her children. The reason why this scene was so shocking, and even more unsettling, is because one of the assassins had a hand saw with them which made me think that they were going to do wrong and cruel things to them (besides killing them). Another reason this scene was unsettling is because of the fact that they were killed for, basically, no reason. The thought of someone even killing a child is disturbing to me, and probably to any audience member. The way the man warned them was very full of emotion and you could feel his concern for Lady Macduff and the children. Act 5, scene 7 was unsettling because of the way that Macduff walks in with all the blood on him and with Macbeth’s head in his hands and the way that Malcolm held Macbeth’s head. When Macduff walks in with Macbeth's head he is covered in Macbeth’s blood. It was unsettling to picture the way that he beheaded him because, by the looks of it, it was done very cruelly. When Malcolm held Macbeth’s head he seemed very calm and not startled at all. When he lifted the head is the part that I found the most unsettling because the head look extremely realistic.
Some of the scenes looked similar to the popular modern movies like The Last Exorcism (the chanting of the witches seem as thought it was inspired by this horror movie). The director definitely modernized this film. The clothes, time period, and the equipment are much more modern than the way they were meant to be. I think that the way that directors didn’t make the witches look like the traditional image was a good thing because if they would have made them look that way the movie would be less realistic. The extra parts that the directors added like in the beginning where the witches ripped some organ of the man out and hangs it on the rack along with a jacket. That scene adds more horror to the film.